This can be influenced by the level of students' understanding of the concept and scientific process, experience in observing, and doing all scientific process. The aspect that gets the least category is communicating (grade XII) and classification (grade XI). Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya Pemerintah dalam hal ini Departemen Pendidikan Nasional pada tahun 2008 telah membeli hak cipta buku teks pelajaran ini dari penulispenerbit untuk disebarluaskan. The easiest aspect of SPS in both is the questioning aspect. Buku kimia kelas xi kurikulum 2013 erlangga pdf unggul sudarmo. The results of the survey showed that the students' SPS were in the moderate (grade XII) and less category (grade XI). The non-parametric Mann-Whitney test reach 0.011 (hypothesis accepted there is a difference in achievement between grade XI and XII). The non-parametric normality test reach 0.361 (sample is normally distributed). The instrument was validated by five expert validators and calculated with the Aiken's V formula reaches 0.74 (valid) and the reliability test value with Cronbach-Alpha reaches 0.81 (reliable). Data collection using an essay test with 16 questions and teacher-student interviews. SPS tested consist of 7 aspects (observing, applying concepts, interpreting, asking, communicating, classifying, and concluding). The sampling technique used purposive random sampling. The research was conducted in January 2021 at high school in Depok City.

The purpose of this study was to measure the achievement of students' science process skills (SPS) on cells and tissues concept during pandemic.